Friday, August 18, 2006

Today is the beginning...

Welcome to my blog! This is where you will find things that interest me, make me ponder, random thoughts (I have many), and a place for you and me to stay up to date! I decided to give this blog thing a try because I have often been told that when I write, I express myself and my personality much better than I do in face to face conversation. What I mean by that is if you have ever received an email from me, you probably thought "wow, she sure does write a lot" or "wow, I've never seen this side of Haley when I talk to her in person". I've never been one to speak my mind and I've always had an active imagination which could be a result of me being an only child. I had to entertain myself somehow! I don't always say what I'm thinking because I have this fear of being embarrassed and ridiculed if what I say is stupid, makes no sense, or is received with complete silence instead of laughter. I really don't have any issues, I promise! :-) It's just easier for me to write it down and have you read it. So then if you think what I said makes no sense or you think, "wow, what a strange girl", I am not there to see your reaction and all is good! So, I hope you enjoy reading my posts....I'll try my best to not be too long winded when I write although I normally tend to be. Feel free to leave comments! Until next time...


Anonymous said...

Um, yeah... The "quietness" is a total front. This girl can talk nonstop when she wants to... If she's not talking to you, "there's probably a reason for it..." ;-)

Hales said...

haha...yeah, that's my motto..."It's not that I don't talk a lot, it's just that I don't want to talk to you." :-)