Monday, August 21, 2006

hangovers, monday mornings, and other things that suck

What a weekend! I know I'm getting old because I'm only good for one night of drunken fun these days. I used to be able to do it Friday and Saturday nights PLUS go to Sunday brunch. Anyways, Friday night was a blast but I was cursing the wine, rum, vodka, and whatever else I decided to drink come Saturday morning. First of all, it's a cool feeling to wake up on the couch, look out the window and see daylight, and then realizing that your drunk ass passed out on the couch. "Great" I thought, here we go....Apparently, at some point in my drunken stupor (and before taking my "nap" on the couch), I did remember to take some aspirin. That didn't work, I still had a massive headache. I popped some more aspirin and went back to sleep (this time in my actual bed). I think I slept for like two hours or so and then I woke up and wasn't able to go back to sleep. Geez...this is going to be a great day I thought to myself. So, I get back up, go to the living room to watch T.V. Little did I know that the storm of the century was brewing outside which therefore caused our satellite to go out which meant no t.v.! Gotta love Direct TV. I think that the satellite would go out even if a bird crapped on it. Ah how I miss the days when I had digital cable....come back Time Warner! Come back!! :-) Regardless to say, I spent the rest of the day fighting this terrible headache. I don't know how much aspirin I took but thankfully around 4:00 I started feeling better. The sad part is, I can't say that I won't go and do it again next weekend. I'm weak...(or a lush)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Friday night did rock! Sorry that I missed the fun at the MELVIN. Sounds like SOMEBODY was mixing like crazy... But alas, there are still many a drunken night in your future. CRUE X 2 is only a few months away.