Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Babies in a bar, stupid people, no more Nickleback!!

So I was out at BW-3's this weekend with friends to watch the UFC fight on pay-per view, and I saw something that I just had to talk about on here. Now, I will admit, that I do make fun of people (who I don't know) becasue people can do some really funny stuff and not even know it. I love to people watch on top of that. There are often times when I will laugh at another person's expense. I know people do the same to me, like if I tripped and fell when walking down the street and you saw me, you would laugh, right? You know those kind of situations where you know you shouldn't laugh but you just can't help it? Well I had one of those moments on Saturday night. I'm sitting there with my friends, having a beer and watching the fight. We're sitting at a long table because there's 7 or 8 of us. In front of us are two smaller tables which each seat 4 people. To my left side is a table of two guys and a girl, and to my right is a young couple with their baby. Yes, BABY...probably not even a year old. So, we're all sitting there watching the fight when one of the guys at the table on the left gets up. He turns and starts walking (I'm guessing to the bathroom) and TRIPS on the baby carrier. The baby was IN the baby carrier. Now, yes, I know some people would say "oh my god, the baby, is she ok??" But what I was looking at was this guy, who I know felt so badly for and I know he felt awful. He kept apologizing and then hurried off the restroom. The baby was fine, he didn't really hit it that hard. So here's my thing....why was the baby in her baby carrier ON THE FLOOR? Of a bar no less?? Secondly, why did they bring their baby to a bar? I don't care if the husband/father is a big UFC fan...you don't bring a baby to a place like that. It's way to loud, there's smoke in the air, people are drinking and getting drunk (like that guy). Anything can happen. So, I'm laughing at this because, who would of thought that you need to look out for baby carriers on the floor when you get up to go the bathroom? ? How about, NEVER??!! And, can you imagine how shocked the guy must have been when he realized what he had done? Shocked and embarrassed. So then, the parents of this poor innocent child, then put her and her carrier UNDER THE TABLE which is where she stayed until they left. Unbelievable! So I hope you can see where I found humor in this...It's just not something that happens every day, you know? If you've seen that movie "Sweet Home Alabama" with Reese Witherspoon then you know the line..."Look at you! You've got a baby....in a bar!"

On another note....I despise Nickelback and I know there are others who feel the same way. I am sick of hearing them every ten minutes on the radio. They are not a good band, and the lead singers' voice is annoying. I don't know that I've ever hated a band so much. I'd rather listen to death metal. They need to go back to Canada. They are from there aren't they? Well, even if they aren't, they should go there.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

High School friends....we've all known each other for about 20 years now...god I feel OLD!! (From left to right: Amy, Christine, Haley, Becky and Melanie)

Monday, August 21, 2006

hangovers, monday mornings, and other things that suck

What a weekend! I know I'm getting old because I'm only good for one night of drunken fun these days. I used to be able to do it Friday and Saturday nights PLUS go to Sunday brunch. Anyways, Friday night was a blast but I was cursing the wine, rum, vodka, and whatever else I decided to drink come Saturday morning. First of all, it's a cool feeling to wake up on the couch, look out the window and see daylight, and then realizing that your drunk ass passed out on the couch. "Great" I thought, here we go....Apparently, at some point in my drunken stupor (and before taking my "nap" on the couch), I did remember to take some aspirin. That didn't work, I still had a massive headache. I popped some more aspirin and went back to sleep (this time in my actual bed). I think I slept for like two hours or so and then I woke up and wasn't able to go back to sleep. Geez...this is going to be a great day I thought to myself. So, I get back up, go to the living room to watch T.V. Little did I know that the storm of the century was brewing outside which therefore caused our satellite to go out which meant no t.v.! Gotta love Direct TV. I think that the satellite would go out even if a bird crapped on it. Ah how I miss the days when I had digital cable....come back Time Warner! Come back!! :-) Regardless to say, I spent the rest of the day fighting this terrible headache. I don't know how much aspirin I took but thankfully around 4:00 I started feeling better. The sad part is, I can't say that I won't go and do it again next weekend. I'm weak...(or a lush)

Friday, August 18, 2006

Today is the beginning...

Welcome to my blog! This is where you will find things that interest me, make me ponder, random thoughts (I have many), and a place for you and me to stay up to date! I decided to give this blog thing a try because I have often been told that when I write, I express myself and my personality much better than I do in face to face conversation. What I mean by that is if you have ever received an email from me, you probably thought "wow, she sure does write a lot" or "wow, I've never seen this side of Haley when I talk to her in person". I've never been one to speak my mind and I've always had an active imagination which could be a result of me being an only child. I had to entertain myself somehow! I don't always say what I'm thinking because I have this fear of being embarrassed and ridiculed if what I say is stupid, makes no sense, or is received with complete silence instead of laughter. I really don't have any issues, I promise! :-) It's just easier for me to write it down and have you read it. So then if you think what I said makes no sense or you think, "wow, what a strange girl", I am not there to see your reaction and all is good! So, I hope you enjoy reading my posts....I'll try my best to not be too long winded when I write although I normally tend to be. Feel free to leave comments! Until next time...